Accessible Information
Communication Aids
We understand the importance of communication and wish to remove any communication barriers for our clients.
We have photo signs to show you where things are. We have low-tech communication aids, visual timetables, a ‘Talking mat’ and guides on what will happen. You are welcome to use these when you want to.
We have a dyslexia friendly version of our Terms and Conditions and a dyslexia friendly copy of our FAQ’s. Also information on 2023 Course Dates (large Print) and price list.2023 Price List (large Print)
We are currently training all of volunteers and instructors with the help of a Speech and Language Therapist to facilitate communication with all clients and are creating videos to answer questions on our sessions and facilities.
Accessible Information: What to Expect
We understand that knowing what to expect during our sessions can help to reduce anxiety.
Click the documents below for the accessible information guides on what will happen at your time at All-Aboard:
Accessible Information for SEN Schools, Groups
Sailability Accessible Information
Social Stories
Social Stories can be useful for children with Autism or Learning Disabilities to explain or prepare them for certain occasions. Click below to view our social stories which explains a clients experience.
Social Story – SEN Groups, SEN Schools
AAW Sailability social story (easy to read)
What to Expect: SEN Groups, Schools – Accessible Information
What to Expect: Sailability sessions (and more)
Your Visit at All-Aboard
Hello and Welcome to All-Aboard Watersports.
These are our classrooms (downstairs – Cabot Room and upstairs – Brunel Room). You will be welcomed and taken to one of these rooms, meet your instructor be told a little about what you are going to do.